Our Professional Staff is Here to Help
Clinical Laboratory, Inc. supports the hiring of local Virgin Islanders and promoting from within, helping to grow and expand the availability of quality healthcare professionals in the Virgin Islands. For over 40 years, our hiring practices have contributed to the growth of our local economy and the well-being of those that work with us.
Clinical Laboratory guarantees that our tests are performed by the most highly qualified laboratory personnel using modern equipment in a clean environment. Education and training in the latest procedures and techniques in the laboratory industry are mandatory for all staff members to ensure that we providing the highest level of care available. All of our Medical Technicians are proudly certified by the ASCP (American Society for Clinical Pathologist).
Quality Control standards set by AAB (American Association of Bioanalysts), CAP (College of American Pathologists) and CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) must be adhered to and Clinical Laboratory participates in national proficiency testing programs to ensure that we are meeting or beating National Standards.
Our third party certifications are critical to our success and provide our clients with the knowledge that we are delivering state of the art lab services in the Virgin Islands.
Would You Like to Know More?
Our customer service representatives are available to answer any inquiries that you may have concerning insurance matters or any of our services.
Call us at (340) 778-5369